The most valuable commodities we need to make progress in life are; certainly, reliability, and confidence.
Collectively, we know this as TRUST.
This website and platform is our offer of everything that gives us and our respective audiences this trust, online.
WP ALLSTARS is the team, tools, and techniques we’ve evolved from designing with, developing, and recommending WordPress, and now WooCommerce, for over 20 years.
Founded by Marcus Quinn, as an answer to all the FAQs and needs that he’s worked to solve — for clients, friends, and family — in his lifelong website design, development, and marketing career.
Quite simply, we love creating, building, and sharing — because making choices, that make it easier to be found and supported online, is a catalyst for creators — from which we all need, enjoy, and appreciate.
There are so many questions to answer in building websites — and businesses, organisations, and communities — that we decided to offer all our best decisions as a kick-starter for your own.
Open-Source for the win!
It’s only thanks to open-source — and the community of contributors, testers, and feedback — that we can all now make more than any one of us could, alone.
The biggest problems and needs, become the greatest opportunities to leverage time, and knowledge, by solving them — for everyone to then have access to the capabilities to publish and grow — with a platform you can rely on.
When we can share and grow platforms, features, and capabilities — as a team full of experience for the most successful choices we’ve made — we all win!
WordPress & WooCommerce
With WordPress themes, and WordPress plugins, we are spoiled for choice — it becomes a challenge to know what the best options are — to solve each need, and commit to each decision.
We’ve always known that our research & development time, and discoveries, need to be preserved, and shared — to save others from the same.
Hence, WP ALLSTARS is our opinionated and curated selection of the best theme and plugins we’ve come to rely on — for creating more, faster, and to a standard we’re proud to present with — so you to copy, and evolve, to do the same.
Hosting, Speed, and Security
Boy, have we worked with a LOT of hosting options and setups over the years!
We’ve tested and compared their interfaces, performance, prices, promises, security, and reliability.
And that’s the fundamental need from your hosting — to be trustworthy, reliable, and not to cost time or concern on top of the price.
This is why we’re offering our preferred hosting platform setup, as a fully managed service (PaaS) — and a collection of recommended hosting, software, and app technologies for anyone wishing to create a similar setup, as a self-managed platform that you know is tried & tested here.